28 nov 2015 23:43


Ambarella, Inc.NASDAQ


AMBA (IVR/IV 48/92) announces earnings on Thursday, 12/3, after market close, so look to put on any play before NY close on that day. In this particular case, the IV is higher than the IVR (which is in the 48th percentile for the IV range for the past 52-weeks. so the IVR could conceivably pop even higher preearnings than it is currently; this will make for even juicier premium to sell if that occurs ... ).

I'm currently looking at a setup at the Dec 11th expiry, but the pricing of the strikes I want to use is currently unavailable (off hours) (Dec 11th 49/68 short strangle).

So, purely for purposes of getting an idea of whether a setup may be worthwhile, I'm looking at the Dec 18th expiry:

Dec 18th 47/70 short strangle
POP%: 74%
Max Profit: 185/contract
BPE: ~$545
BE's: 45.15/71.85