12 jun 2018 05:30

Ethereum. P-Modeling PT 1. Decoding the Global Signal. 

Ethereum / DollarBitfinex


For starters, I would like to address the fact that I am a total beginner... or as @Glitch420 says, "we are n00bs". I am Glitchy's research partner; he recently encouraged me to join TradingView. Glitchy is teaching me 1.) his foundation theory of geometric-linear-regression modeling designed by a variety of constructs, and 2.) the basics of Traditional Analysis.

I am developing a construct of my own that I am working on validating to merge with Glitchy's framework.

Construct A: Fractal Mirroring (inspired from a slate and stylus)

This construct stems from braille. Braille is a code that utilizes patterns. There is one specific aspect of braille that I anticipate applying to my TradingView work. A slate and stylus is a tool for writing braille. When you read braille, you read it from left to right. When you use a slate and stylus to write braille, you braille from right to left a mirror image of the dots. Basically there is a “double flip” aspect because you flip two patterns. You flip the directional pattern and the dot pattern. So what does this have to do with TradingView? A “double flip” aspect reminds me that a pattern on a cryptocurrency chart may have more than one flip. For example, perhaps a pattern on a crypto chart may be a mirror flip image BUT ALSO turned upside down. Basically, I will keep my eyes peeled for validation of this “double flip” construct. (It may be even more than double… It could be triple and so on).

See @Glitch420 ’s EOS part 1 and ETC part 1 for the basis of my validation. Thanks for reading my first post! Help a newbie out and like this post. Feel free to send comments/questions/constructive criticism/etc. :)

- re1907
This is a closer view. The grey circle is the potential validation for the mirror. More time elapsing will help confirm the potential validation.
