16 sep 2021 13:21


Euro Fx/U.S. DollarFXCM


There has been some interesting developments in relation to the bigger picture, I will be posting more about that on my next Market Update.

As per my last Market Update Gold is making a move lower too, how about that.

This idea right here is also nice and just getting started.

Short: At Market.
Stop: 1.19081 (Last High)
Target: 1.11709.

Remember to use Disciplined Money Management Principles to ensure longevity as a trader.

If you don't know the long term pattern shouldn't you be doing your research[b/] instead of just following the crowd?

Just remember: I am not a financial advisor, I suggest using this only as a guide. Always do your own research.
Gold moving lower? who could of guessed that one with any common sense. Deflation is here and gold is moving lower. Wow. That caught me off guard LOL. Here's a crystal ball moment. Deflation will burn through like a house fire and lock up the system. Gold and silver will start to rise. Hyperinflation will come quickly after they print trillions to unlock the system. Gold and silver will skyrocket. The "waves" are a little behind on this one?
Crypto is negatively correlated to the DXY. You can't be super bullish crypto (BTC or XLM) while super bearish on the EURUSD (big part of the DYX).
@Muwa, Yes and there are things called trends. There larger trends and there is smaller trends. You see it's possible to be bullish long term and bearish short term. I think you need to go and do some research and use your time more productively instead of trolling people. Dumbass.
@AriasWave, a few weeks ago you dismissed the idea that BTC leads the crypto market when I told you it did. XLM only went up because BTC decided to turn around in late July, not because of high demand for XLM. XLM traders follow BTC and become more bullish when BTC isn't bearish/isn't nuking down. I am not trolling you because I like Elliot Wave theory and like to follow people doing things similar to EW, but you have some very bad takes then it comes to the crypto market like being bullish crypto while the DXY is in an uptrend. Crypto can't sustain macro trend rallies when the DXY is bullish.
@AriasWave, Wow, "Dumbass". Get a new mirror little boy?