3 jun 2022 17:18

OXY Looking To Short This Name In The $90 Area  Kort

Occidental Petroleum CorporationNYSE


Title says it all IF and that's a BIG IFOXY can get back to $88 / $90 we will get short this name NOT BEFORE Not Advice Do your Own DD And Follow @dRends35 on these names
Energy’s fundamentals and the macro environment is stronger than the technicals. We are in a super cycle for energy. Be careful trying to short this.
@ktaba, This guy admits he cant read a chart but somehow knows "macro environment is stronger than the technicals."
@dRends35, There is NO SUCH thing as a "Super Cycle" in oil he's read too many books i'm afraid but nice of him to post. We like to hear from all sides and at least he's not vulgar as some are on here.
Something tells me there will be an extended wait, the Saudi Arabia move to increase production adds a new level of fuckery to wading through this market. I do however imagine that will be a momentary hiccup. Just goes to show you what "free markets" we all invest in.
Lol i dont get why youd short the one industry thats thriving. At any point a massive gap up can happen. Why not short literally any other stock thats deadcat bouncing right now.
@jeffmthompson, First off READ THE TITLE secondly we got LONG OIL over a year ago - where were you then? And Third what are you laughing at? @dRends35
@NewYork888, First off I READ THE TITLE. Secondly, again, why short a thriving industry no matter what the price. The entire market is falling. This is literally the only company that can gap up huge off of some news. So shorting it from $90 in my opinion is still silly. Yes the probability that you'd come out with some profit would be high. My point is why even do it. It makes zero sense. The risk/reward is literally better on any company right now. Oil and gas stocks are all over the place. Lastly, where was I when you bought oil and gas stocks last year? I don't know, maybe i was at home. Or at work. I don't see the relevancy as to where i was when i didnt know you.
Great post.