13 apr 2021 19:21

Should I buy Coinbase tomorrow? 

Snowflake Inc.NYSE


I know this could be a totally different story, but it is good to review this post!

If you are an active trader:
I believe no matter what is the opening price for Coinbase tomorrow, it could be possible to buy it at a lower price the day after tomorrow..! if you have doubts, check the biggest companies opening days!

If you are a long-term investor: you have to be more careful, in most cases, the opening day bubble will bust in a couple of months.
Even the biggest tech companies like Facebook had experienced the same story!
please check my previous post about the opening day of BMBL.
Proving correct right off the bat!
I totally agree. You charting is great even though I dont necessarily agree with your sentiments, the technical charts are very informative and educational. Thank you.
( Lotfan faghat vaghti post mikonid yekbar dogme POST click konid. Chand saniye tool mikeshe chart ha post beshavand. Hamishe 7 ya 8 bar chart shoma ersal mishe. Bebakhshid jesarat kardam)