21 maj 2019 16:24

Morgan Stanley Scaring You Out at $200 - Wait till $300+ to Sell 

Tesla, Inc.NASDAQ


As usual, once we reach an interesting buy price, CNBC and major banks come in with coordinated news to try to scare you out of your position on the support.

This is not the sell level. $200 is a buy, hold it to $300-340, then GTFO.

Price is most interesting in the $100-120 level. That's where the long term buy and hold is.

Good luck!


Predicting the future:

Tesla factories remain unprofitable and must close down production of Tesla vehicles within three years.

Tesla leases out technology to every auto-manufacturer in the world, making insane amounts of profit.


*licenses out technology


Buy Time


Welcome to $300. Who got shaken out at $200 by Morgan Stanley? Not me. But now, I'm out. Will go a little higher, but, the bulk of the move back up is over. Time to get out.

Trade stängt: målet nått

There is nothing left in this. If you are long, get out.

What now? … it a new high 430+
Agree completely (in the scaring out of their position thing)... You may see below.

I only disagree with your yearly estimates. I (opinion here) dont think Tesla will ever see sub 170. I will come back immediately and acknowledge this comment if it does go below :)
@jack_hartmann, @SecludedJ

I now will not say I "disagree" with your yearly estimates. Recession is coming in the next 2 years. Agree 100% with your chart as of now. Best of luck,
I'm buying here,
