30 aug 2015 01:51

UWTI update 


Hurricanes in the Atlantic theory applies too. A Threat to shut down Gulf oil rigs, whose count is way down now, compared to years ago. So just thought I would mention this, in fairness to my conspiracy theory that "they" need OIL and all commodities to go up to spark inflation, to fight off deflation, so they can raise rates (maybe in October is my guess, depends on whether we get inflation increases in the news media). October is a compromise, because the "inflation" effects of higher oil will not be felt yet (for September rate increase justification), and waiting until December would seem like they are too market effected by their decisions (AKA pride). So if they delay and don't hike in September, oil goes higher, dollar comes down a bit. But watching the profit takers, and whether they take profit after Erica is no longer a threat. The current gap may be the consildation period, a few days.
It's a great theory...will be fascinating to see these events play out in real time.
Deflation and world wide economic contraction is the real fear now, and governments will do whatever they can, inflate OIL and commodities as their ONLY TOOL, and they hope it works. It may backfire, and slow the economy even more, and if they wait to do this any longer, that will be the effect, doing it now while the US engine is still running is their only hope. Otherwise, watch out dollar crash, and everything that is linked to its movements.
They need inflation and they need it like yesterday. Their is a panic in their minds to get this done.
I've read the Jackson Hole Symposium notes...there sure is.