Bull Bear Momentum (MYTRIC)

█ What market information does this indicator tell you ?
Bull Bear Momentum(BBM) indicator is a combination of leading + lagging indicator.
 • Leading Indicator are used to predict the next movement.
 • Lagging Indicator are used to show the current movement.

The main purpose of BBM is to measure the factors that affect the rise and fall of stock prices, and thereby increase confidence on your trading.
We use an unique algorithm to separate the movement of each candlestick in the market to calculate the individual momentums between buyer and seller.
By using BBM, you will be able to know whether the current market is leading by buyers or sellers, and know what is the current trend.
Below is the function of indicator.

  1 - The battle between buyers & sellers ⚔️
   Momentum Balancing
   【🟦 Buyer Leading The Market / 🟨 Seller Leading The Market】
  2 - Buyer & Seller active 🔥 or inactive
   【🟩 Buyer active / 🟥 Seller active】
  3 - Buyer & Seller momentum strength 💪
   BBM has a value between -20 to +50 and is used to measure the strength of current trend.
    -20 ~ -10 = Very Weak Momentum
    -09 ~ -05 = Weak Momentum
    -04 ~ +00 = Lower Neutral Momentum (Downward Sideway / Ranging Market)
    +00 ~ +05 = Upper Neutral Momentum (Upward Sideway / Ranging Market)
    +06 ~ +15 = Strong Momentum
    +16 ~ +50 = Very Strong Momentum
  4 - AD Osc / Risk Osc (same as DT Smart Trend AD Osc)


█ Benefits & Features

✅ Momentum Balancing
  Momentum balancing is measure combination of momentums between buyer and seller



✅ Buyer & Seller / Bull & Bear Momentum
  Analyze the momentums of the buyer and seller individually
 🟩 Buyer Momentums
 • 🟩 Buyer Momentums Active 🔥
 • ⬜ Buyer Momentums inactive

 🟥 Seller Momentums
 • 🟥 Seller Momentums Active 🔥
 • ⬜ Seller Momentums inactive



✅ Risk Oscillator / Accumulation & Distribution Oscillator


     *Length setting default as "10", this value determines the period of the algorithm.
     The more common settings are 10 or 60.
     Below settings are recommended for different trading style.
      • Short-term trader / Swing trader = 8 ~ 14
      • Mid-term trader = 20 ~ 60
      • Long-term trader = 60 and above

 • Example 01 (Downtrend) * We do not recommend trading in a downtrend, it is only suitable for swing trade or batch investment

 • Example 02 (Weak Trend)

 • Example 03 (Strong Trend)


 • Ex 01

 • Ex 02


█ How to find super-trend by using BBM?
     *Length setting change to "60"

 1. Superbull (Potential Rate 90%) 🐮
 • Buyer's momentum must greater than 10 = Strong Trend 🟩; in the meantime Seller's Momentum smaller than -5 = Weak Trend ⬜
 • The potential for stock prices to rise 📈 is very large, which is 90% and above, refer example below.

 2. Superbear (Potential Rate 90%) 🐻
 • Seller's momentum must greater than 10 = Strong Trend 🟥; in the meantime Buyer's Momentum smaller than 0 = Weak Trend ⬜
 • The potential for stock prices to fall 📉 is very large, which is 90% and above, refer example below.

 • Example 01

 • Example 02

 • Example 03
Update chart
OscillatorsTrend Analysis

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