What is the best way to create a ticket?

1. I have a login issue. 

Please, try to create a ticket from the same tab without refreshing the page right after the login attempt fails. 

In case the ticket is opened from another device/ tab or after the page was reloaded, we will not be able to receive access to necessary technical data.

2. I faced an issue with my orders/positions. 

You also need to open a ticket from the same tab where the issue occurred without a refresh. Let us know the order ID and agree to send the trading logs. 

3. Should I reset Paper Trading account after sending the ticket? 

In case the Paper Trading account is reset, we will also lose the access to your account information, so please try not to reset it till the investigation is completed. 

4. I had already created a ticket and now a new issue occurred. Should I open a new one? 

Yes, if another issue occurs, it is always better to open a new ticket, as only in this case we will receive the access updated tech information. 

5. How can I send the video? 

The video file can not be linked directly to the ticket. However, you can upload it on any Cloud Service→ allow the access→ send us the link.