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The worldwide social network for 60M+ globally-minded traders.

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Sharing your market analysis helps others learn, but you'll also get valuable feedback too — from expert traders and investors across all trading disciplines.

Community scripts 

Explore the hundreds of built-in indicators we've made, and the 100,000+ free ones the community has created. These scripts are all there, waiting for you to incorporate them into your strategies.


Discuss what's unfolding in realtime, getting trading opinions and ideas that evolve with every tick.


Minds is a social media feed where traders from around the world gather to chat, follow, and discuss specific symbols. Think of Minds as a feed created by your peers.

You smashed


a fair bit

12 297 324

12 297 324

5 300 publications

every day

221 publications

every hour

4 publications

every minute

Finance should be social

Who's got the best insight — one Wall Street suit, or one million sociable traders?

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Simply create trading content using real-time social collaborative tools.


Start sharing your vision today — criticize and argue, comment and add important details, be active! Together, all these interactions make up the precious nuggets of knowledge that can be used by many traders all over the world.


Our community is built solely on non-profit interactions of talented investors, who are helping each other prosper. With one click you can view a live chart or annotated article posted by the community.


Thousands and thousands of users share opinions every day from our charting platform: discussing their ideas, market analysis and general trade set-ups with others in the community.



Simply create trading content using real-time social collaborative tools.



Start sharing your vision today — criticize and argue, comment and add important details, be active! Together, all these interactions make up the precious nuggets of knowledge that can be used by many traders all over the world.



Our community is built solely on non-profit interactions of talented investors, who are helping each other prosper. With one click you can view a live chart or annotated article posted by the community.



Thousands and thousands of users share opinions every day from our charting platform: discussing their ideas, market analysis and general trade set-ups with others in the community.

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