

Now that VIX is in backwardation, it is a good time to bet on it. VIX reached one of its all time peaks a week ago and has been on a cliff dive since.
EXIV tracks EURO STOXX 50® Volatility (VSTOXX®) at a -1 multiple. (stoxx.com/index-details?symbol=V2TX)

Although it is not directly the VIX, VSTOXX closely mirrors the VIX.
As it is turbulent times, I think EXIV can reach at least the $15 level before bad news comes up skyrocketing the VIX again, in which case switch over to TVIX.
We see a crossover on the 2 hour chart, but not yet on the 4 hour.

I believe Trump and the government will pair Thursday's terrible unemployment numbers with the passing of the stimulus bill to mitigate the negative effects of the unemployment figures.

What do you think? Will the bad of the unemployment figures outweigh the good of the stimulus bill passing?
Chart PatternsCoronavirus (COVID-19)LONGstimulusSVXYTrend AnalysisTVIXunemploymentVIX CBOE Volatility Index

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