By NaughtyPines
This ranks up there as one of the more ridiculous covered calls I've done. I say "ridiculous" because I'm selling the short call right at where current price is and dramatically reducing my cost basis at the same time (the share price line is depicted at 2.40 so that the stock price line/short call line don't overlap).


Buy 100 shares RIGL at 2.51
Sell Sept 16th 2.5 short call
Entire Package: 1.76 debit (i.e., your cost basis in the shares is 1.76/share)
Max Profit: 75/contract if called away at 2.5 (ROC 42.6%)
Trade stängt manuellt
Covering this here on this pop, since I can get out for nearly what I'd be called away at. In for a 1.75 db.; out for a 2.43 credit; net profit = 2.43 - 1.75 minus fees/comms = $67.50/100 shares (38.6% ROC). While I could probably just wait another two weeks for the shares to be called away at 2.50, to me it's best to close out and look to redeploy the buying elsewhere (even though it really wasn't taking up all that much).

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