
PRESSR: Statement by HE Abdulrahman bin Mohamed Al Owais, Minister of Health and Prevention on Emirati Doctor's Day

Dubai: HE Abdulrahman bin Mohamed Al Owais, Minister of Health and Prevention (MoHAP), has paid heartfelt tribute to Emirati doctors, lauding their dedication, expertise, and the compassionate care they provide to the community.

In a statement marking Emirati Doctor's Day, Al Owais said: "Under the wise directives of our leadership, we celebrate Emirati Doctor's Day, honouring our medical professionals who consistently demonstrate commitment to excellence, and play a pivotal role in safeguarding the health of our society." 

“Today, the entire nation is proud of Emirati doctors' and their remarkable capabilities to deliver superior healthcare services, utilizing their knowledge and skills to serve and ensure the wellbeing of the UAE people,” Al Owais added.

The Minister commended Emirati doctors for embodying the highest values of the medical profession and upholding the authentic Emirati spirit through their tireless dedication and adherence to the highest ethical standards. Their efforts, he noted, extend well beyond the confines of hospitals and clinics, directly impacting every household in the UAE and solidifying their status as guardians of public health.

He pointed out that the success and excellence of doctors in the UAE inspire and motivate future generations of doctors to continue this honourable journey, thereby reinforcing the country's mission to provide the highest levels of healthcare and treatment in line with the government's vision for a healthier and happier society.

His Excellency expressed his gratitude to the wise leadership for its unwavering support and provision of all necessary resources, enabling doctors to succeed in their humanitarian mission.

He reiterated MoHAP’s commitment to bolstering the journey of doctors by fostering a stimulating and conducive work environment, offering continuous training opportunities, and enhancing medical capabilities.

Al Owais lauded Emirati doctors for their significant role in the nation's development, highlighting that the UAE’s esteem and respect for them grows daily. “Emirati doctors play a key role in enhancing the healthcare system and promoting health and wellness throughout society. We look forward to a future where medical innovation flourishes, solidifying the UAE's position as a beacon of healthcare excellence and innovation.”

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