Partnerprogram regler


  1. Kampanj
    1.1. Våra partners kan använda webbplatser / plattformar för sina inlägg, inklusive men inte begränsade till sina egna webbplatser, bloggar och sociala nätverk.
    1.2. Vi tar emot trafik från alla länder. Det finns inga begränsade länder eller regioner att bedriva marknadsaktiviteter.
    1.3. Paid advertising campaigns that include keywords such as the name of the brand written in any format and language (e.g. tradingview,, trade view, trader view) are strictly prohibited.
    1.4. Retargeting eller remarketing anses inte betalt för förvärv av användare. En affiliate skulle inte belönas för dessa användare.
    1.5. We are against any site/platform that replicates the design, functionality, name (including domain name) or services of TradingView. Such websites are likely to mislead users. If you wish to use TradingView's design elements then you have the following options - you can use certain elements of our corporate style to design your creatives and promotional materials. You can also integrate our widgets to show the affiliation with TradingView.
    1.6. It is not allowed to include discounts or special offers in your message unless such discounts were specifically authorized by TradingView.
    1.7. Monetary incentives are not allowed including, but not limited to, the following list: cashbacks, cashbacks in TradingView coins, and/or additional discounts not authorized by TradingView.
    1.8. Spammning är strängt förbjudet.
    1.9. Purchasing a TradingView subscription through one's own referral link is prohibited and goes against our affiliate program. This behavior will not be rewarded and will result in no commissions.
    1.10. Det är förbjudet att använda 2 eller fler konton.
    1.11. Det är inte tillåtet att lägga till hänvisningslänkar i widgetens attribut eller i någon del av widgetens HTML-kod, och trafik via sådana länkar får ingen ersättning inom affiliateprogrammet. Länkar till vår widget ska alltid vara organiska och inte hänvisande.
  2. provisioner
    2.1. As a member of the Partner Program, you'll receive a fixed amount depending on the kind of subscription a referred user purchases. For non-professional plans, you will receive $10-$40 for every first monthly subscription purchased by a referred user, and $60-$100 for their first annual subscription. For Professional plans, you will receive $150-$350 for every first monthly subscription purchased by a referred user, and $600-$1500 for their first annual subscription. You will be able to withdraw these funds once certain conditions are met.
    2.2. En 90-dagars cookie. Så snart dina potentiella kunder omdirigeras till TradingView efter att ha klickat på en av dina länkar kommer de att ha en cookie lagrad i sin webbläsare som länkar dem till dig. Denna cookie lagras i 90 dagar. Om dina potentiella kunder registrerar sig inom 90 dagar kommer de att tilldelas dig.
    2.3. Attribution Window. The attribution window is 90 days. After new users sign up through your link, they have 90 days to make a subscription purchase or opt for a trial. If a user chooses a trial month, the attribution window extends for an additional 90 days after the trial period ends. Rewards for purchases made within this extended 90-day period will be credited to your partner account.
    2.4. An affiliate's commission is based on paid subscriptions purchased only via the web-version of TradingView. Our desktop and mobile apps are not part of the affiliate program at this time. Furthermore, market data, add-on purchases, and purchases with TradingView coins are not taken into account when calculating affiliate commissions.
    2.5. Affiliaten får endast en provision för nya användare. Om en hänvisning besökte TradingView tidigare skulle Affiliate Programmet inte identifiera den här hänvisningen som en ny användare och därför skulle en affiliate inte belönas för den här användaren.
    2.6. Refunds and chargebacks are deducted from the affiliate's commission to accurately reflect that the referred user did not complete the subscription process.
    2.7. TradingView beräknar provisioner som affiliates har genererat varje månad. Egen data används för att ge partnerna korrekt information.
    2.8. Instant Enrollment and Verification of Withdrawals: Effective immediately, anyone can become an affiliate once they've completed an application! New affiliates have full access to their affiliate dashboard, links, and creatives. However, withdrawal of funds must be verified by our affiliate team to ensure the safety, security, and validation of your account. Affiliates will be expected to demonstrate where their traffic comes from (social media, website, links, etc.) and the resources used to drive traffic.
  3. Utbetalning
    3.1. Payouts are made once a month (within 40 days).
    3.2. The payments are typically sent within the first 2 weeks of the following month. Payouts submitted after the 20th will be processed in the following month's payment cycle.
    3.3. Utbetalningar görs endast via PayPal. Du behöver ett PayPal-konto för att få din betalning.
    3.4. Failure to include your PayPal email will result in rejection of payouts in 12 months. It is affiliate's sole responsibility to ensure that the payment details are accurate. If an affiliate provides incorrect information the payout will be rejected.
    3.5. Please note that TradingView has temporarily stopped working with certain locales due to our inability to guarantee service availability. Currently, we are unable to support residents of some regions, including Iran.
  4. Ansvar
    4.1. vi reserverar rätten att avvisa betalningar om vi anser att du har överträtt regler har haft bedrägliga metoder för samla prenumeranter.
    4.2. Tradinview är inte ansvarig för de aktivitet som en utgivare bedriver för att generera trafik. Utgivaren garanterar att han/hennes handlingar inte strider om lagar och förordningar som är applicerbara på utgivaren.
    4.3. Tradingview är inte ansvarig för utgivaren följer skattelagstiftning som råder i det land som utgivaren verkar. Betalningar av skatter, avgifter eller andra obligatoriska betalningar ligger på utgivarens ansvar.
    4.4. We keep the exclusive right to modify or update these Rules at any time and with or without prior notice. It is affiliate's responsibility to review these Rules from time to time to check for updates.
    4.5. Tradingview tar inga ansvar för tredjemans skador.
  5. Personlig data
    5.1. När du accepterar avtalet så accepterar du att vår behandling för personlig data och att du får nyhetsbrev samt kampanjerbjudande from TradingView Affiliate Program.