[E5 Trading] Relative Volume

By E5Trading
Relative Volume Overview[\b]
  • The E5 Trading Relative Volume indicator enhances volume analysis in several ways:
  • First, volume has been normalized to a percentage value, enabling standard thresholds for strong, average, and weak volume.
  • Second, each candle's volume is evaluated against its history to identify statistically significant bull and bear volume bars that may indicate whale (or institutional) buying and selling.

    Relative Volume Thresholds[\b]
    • Volume has been normalized to a percentage value based on a user-defined period. Default (50).
    • This enables using standard thresholds across all assets to determine strong, average, and weak volume.
    • Price moves with strong relative volume are more meaningful to technical analysis than equivalent price moves with weak relative volume.
    • Use as confluence with price breakouts...trends can often be identified early when price breakouts are supported by strong relative volume.
    • Similarly, price breakouts supported by weak relative volume will likely reverse.

      Volume Power Bars[\b]
      • Identify whale buying and selling with Volume Power Bars and follow the smart money!
      • Bull | Bear Volume Power Bars show statistically significant Bull and Bear Volume Bars that may indicate whale (or institutional) buying and selling. Default (On).
      • Trends often follow the direction of Volume Power Bars.
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