Day Trading Booster DGT-ChampionLittleStone

Trading Booster //version=5
// ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ //
//# * ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
//# *
//# * Study : Day Trading Booster
//# * Author : © dgtrd
//# *
//# * Revision History
//# * Release : Dec 29, 2022 : Initial Release
//# *
//# * ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
// ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ //

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Functions

f_drawOnlyLineX(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _xloc, _extend, _color, _style, _width) =>, _y1, _x2, _y2, _xloc, _extend, _color, _style, _width)

f_drawLineX(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _xloc, _extend, _color, _style, _width) =>
var id =, _y1, _x2, _y2, _xloc, _extend, _color, _style, _width)

if _y1 > 0 and _y2 > 0
line.set_xy1(id, _x1, _y1)
line.set_xy2(id, _x2, _y2)
line.set_color(id, _color)
line.set_xy1(id, _x1, close)
line.set_xy2(id, _x2, close)
line.set_color(id, #00000000)

f_drawOnlyLabelX(_x, _y, _text, _xloc, _yloc, _color, _style, _textcolor, _size, _textalign, _tooltip) =>, _y, _text, _xloc, _yloc, _color, _style, _textcolor, _size, _textalign, _tooltip)

f_drawLabelX(_x, _y, _text, _xloc, _yloc, _color, _style, _textcolor, _size, _textalign, _tooltip) =>
var id =, _y, _text, _xloc, _yloc, _color, _style, _textcolor, _size, _textalign, _tooltip)
label.set_text(id, _text)
label.set_tooltip(id, _tooltip)

if _y > 0
label.set_xy(id, _x, _y)
label.set_textcolor(id, _textcolor)
label.set_xy(id, _x, close)
label.set_textcolor(id, #00000000)

f_calculatePreviousRange(_htf) =>
var htf_h = 0., var htf_l = 0., var htf_hx = 0., var htf_lx = 0.

if ta.change(time(_htf))
htf_hx := htf_h, htf_h := high
htf_lx := htf_l, htf_l := low
htf_h := math.max(high, htf_h)
htf_l := math.min(low , htf_l)

[htf_hx, htf_lx]

f_getTradedVolume(_len, _calc, _offset) =>
if _calc
vol = 0.
for x = 0 to _len - 1
vol += volume[_offset + x]

f_getMA(_source, _length, _type) =>
switch _type
"SMA" => ta.sma (_source, _length)
"EMA" => ta.ema (_source, _length)
"HMA" => ta.hma (_source, _length)
"WMA" => ta.wma (_source, _length)

f_getATR(_length, _htf) =>, _htf, ta.atr(_length))

indicator('Day Trading Booster by DGT', 'Day Trading Booster ʙʏ DGT ☼☾', true, max_lines_count=500, max_labels_count=500)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Input Declarations

group_fx = "Forex Markets"

ttip_channel = 'Asian Session Opening Channel is the range between Tokyo Open and Hong Kong Open\n' +
'Europien Session Opening Channel is the range between Frankfurt Open and London Open\n\n' +
'Channel plotting starts from Tokyo or Frankfurt open, based on the option selected, and extends till the day session end'

openingChannel = input.string('None' , 'Openning Channel' , options = ['Asian Session', 'European Session', 'Both', 'None'], inline='ss', group = group_fx, tooltip = ttip_channel)
cChannel = input.color(color.gray, '', inline='ss', group = group_fx)

shSydney = input.string('None' , 'Sydney Session ' , options = ['Open', 'Range', '5m Opening Range', '15m Opening Range', 'None'], inline='SY' , group = group_fx)
cSydney = input.color(, '', inline='SY', group = group_fx)
bgSydney = true//input.bool(true, 'Range Fill', inline='SY', group = group_fx)
i_sydneySummerTime = input.bool(true, 'DST', inline='SY' , group = group_fx, tooltip = 'Daylight saving time (DST)\n *DST Start : First Sunday in October at 2:00\n *DST End : First Sunday in April at 3:00')

shTokyo = input.string('None' , 'Tokyo Session  ' , options = ['Open', 'Range', '5m Opening Range', '15m Opening Range', 'None'], inline='TK' , group = group_fx)
cTokyo = input.color(color.fuchsia, '', inline='TK', group = group_fx)
bgTokyo = true//input.bool(true, 'Range Fill', inline='TK', group = group_fx)

shFrankfurt = input.string('5m Opening Range' , 'Frankfurt Session' , options = ['Open', 'Range', '5m Opening Range', '15m Opening Range', 'None'], inline='FR' , group = group_fx)
cFrankfurt = input.color(color.yellow, '', inline='FR', group = group_fx)
bgFrankfurt = true//input.bool(true, 'Range Fill', inline='FR', group = group_fx)
i_frankfurtSummerTime = input.bool(false , 'DST', inline='FR', group = group_fx, tooltip = 'Daylight saving time (DST)\n *DST Start : Last Sunday in March at 1:00 UTC\n *DST End : Last Sunday in October at 1:00 UTC')

shLondon = input.string('5m Opening Range' , 'London Session ' , options = ['Open', 'Range', '5m Opening Range', '15m Opening Range', 'None'], inline='LN' , group = group_fx)
cLondon = input.color(, '', inline='LN', group = group_fx)
bgLondon = true//input.bool(true, 'Range Fill', inline='LN', group = group_fx)
i_londonSummerTime = input.bool(false , 'DST', inline='LN', group = group_fx, tooltip = 'Daylight saving time (DST)\n *DST Start : Last Sunday in March at 1:00 UTC\n *DST End : Last Sunday in October at 1:00 UTC')

shNYork = input.string('15m Opening Range' , 'New York Session' , options = ['Open', 'Range', '5m Opening Range', '15m Opening Range', 'None'], inline='NY' , group = group_fx)
cNYork = input.color(, '', inline='NY', group = group_fx)
bgNYork = true//input.bool(true, 'Range Fill', inline='NY', group = group_fx)
i_newyorkSummerTime = input.bool(false , 'DST', inline='NY', group = group_fx, tooltip = 'Daylight saving time (DST)\n *DST Start : Second Sunday in March at 2:00\n *DST End : First Sunday in November at 2:00')

i_forex = input.bool(true , 'Global Forex Market Sessions Tabular View' , group = group_fx, tooltip = 'Displays Major Fortex Markets\n - Date and Time,\n - Sessions Opening/Closing Countdown Timer and\n - Market Status')
hideIfNot = input.bool(true , 'Hide if not Forex Market Instrument' , group = group_fx)
i_textSize2 = input.string("Small", "  Table Text Size", options = [ "Tiny", "Small", "Normal"], inline='STAT',group = group_fx)
textSize2 = i_textSize2 == "Small" ? size.small : i_textSize2 == "Normal" ? size.normal : size.tiny
statPos = input.string('Top Right', '', options=['Top Left', 'Top Center', 'Top Right', 'Middle Right', 'Bottom Left', 'Bottom Center'], inline='STAT', group=group_fx)

ttip_events = 'A graphical presentation* of typically traded volume** and various forext markets oppening/clossing events***\n\n' +
'* Will be presented on 1H or lower minute timeframes\n' +
'** According to the two most popular currencies traded, U.S. dollar (USD) and the Euro (EUR). Trading volume may slightly vary for other currencies, especially Asian currencies\n' +
'*** Reminder, Daylight saving time is not taken into consideration so there may be slight differences'

forexEvents = input.bool(true , 'Global Forex Market Events' , group = group_fx, tooltip = ttip_events)
oscVerticalOffset =, "  Vertical Offset", minval = -3, maxval = 10, inline='evt', group = group_fx) / 10
oscHight = 11 -, 'Hight' , minval = 1, maxval = 10 ,inline='evt', group = group_fx)

group_htf = 'Higher Timeframe Open'

dayOpen = input.string('5m Opening Range' , 'Day Open     ' , options = ['Open', '5m Opening Range', '15m Opening Range', 'First Hour Opening Range', 'None'], inline='DO' , group = group_htf)
dayColor = input.color(color.aqua, '', inline = 'DO', group = group_htf)
dayRefLevels = input.string('Average True Range (ATR)', 'Day Referance Levels', options = ['Average True Range (ATR)', 'Previous Day Range (PH - PL)', 'None'], inline = 'REFL', group = group_htf)
dayRefColor = input.color(, '', inline = 'REFL', group = group_htf)
dayRefLevel1 = input.float(.5, '  Referance Level #1', minval=0, step=0.1, inline='Ref', group=group_htf)
dayRefLevel2 = input.float(1., '#2', minval=0, step=0.1, inline='Ref', group=group_htf)
dayATRLength =, '  ATR Referance Levels : ATR Length', minval=1, inline='ATR', group=group_htf)

weekOpen = input.bool(false , 'Week Open' , inline='WO' , group = group_htf)
weekColor = input.color(color.aqua, '', inline = 'WO', group = group_htf)
monthOpen = input.bool(false , 'Month Open' , inline='WO' , group = group_htf)
monthColor = input.color(color.aqua, '', inline = 'WO', group = group_htf)

group_indicators = 'Indicators'

ttip_vwap = 'Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) is a technical analysis tool used to measure the average price weighted by volume. VWAP is typically used with intraday charts as a way to determine the general direction of intraday prices, that is to identify market trend'
ttip_vwapAnchor = 'Auto input mode : the starting point of the VWAP calculation depends on the timeframe on the chart:\n' +
' - "Day" on intraday timeframes up to 15 Mins\n' +
' - "Week" on intraday timeframes higher than 15 Mins\n' +
' - "Month" on the 1D timeframe\n' +
' - "Quarter" on the 1W timeframe\n' +
' - "Year" on the 1M timeframe\n\n' +
'Interactive input mode : enables selecting the starting point of the VWAP calculation by simply dragging the vertical line* on the chart\n *the vertical line appears when any of the indicators plotted components are clicked\n\n' +
'Manuel input mode (other options) : enables to specify a fixed anchor period regardless of the chart timeframe'

isVwap = input.bool(false, 'Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) ----------|', group=group_indicators, tooltip = ttip_vwap)
htf_tf = input.string('Auto', 'Anchor Timeframe', options=['Auto', 'Interactive', '15 Minutes', '1 Hour', '4 Hours', 'Daily', 'Weekly', 'Monthly', 'Quarterly', 'Yearly'], inline = 'vwap', group=group_indicators, tooltip = ttip_vwapAnchor)
vwapAnchor = htf_tf == '15 Minutes' ? '15' : htf_tf == '1 Hour' ? '60' : htf_tf == '4 Hours' ? '240' : htf_tf == 'Daily' ? 'D' : htf_tf == 'Weekly' ? 'W' : htf_tf == 'Monthly' ? 'M' : htf_tf == 'Quarterly' ? '3M' : htf_tf == 'Yearly' ? '12M' :
timeframe.isintraday and (timeframe.period == '1' or timeframe.period == '3' or timeframe.period == '5' or timeframe.period == '15') ? 'D' :
timeframe.isintraday and (timeframe.period == '30' or timeframe.period == '45' or timeframe.period == '60' or timeframe.period == '120' or timeframe.period == '180' or timeframe.period == '240') ? 'W' :
timeframe.isdaily ? 'M' : timeframe.isweekly ? '3M' : timeframe.ismonthly ? '12M' : '3M'

vwapSource = input.source(hlc3, 'Source', inline = 'vwap', group=group_indicators)
startDate = input.time(timestamp("29 Nov 2022"), "Interactive Anchor", inline = 'inn', group=group_indicators)
vwapBand1 = input.bool(true,"Bands #1", inline = 'B1', group=group_indicators)
stdevMult1 = input.float(1, "", step = .1, inline = 'B1', group=group_indicators)
vwapBand2 = input.bool(false,"#2", inline = 'B1', group=group_indicators)
stdevMult2 = input.float(2, "", step = .1, inline = 'B1', group=group_indicators)
//vwapBand3 = input.bool(false,"Bands stDev #3", inline = 'B3', group=group_indicators)
//stdevMult3 = input.float(3, "", inline = 'B3', group=group_indicators)

tooltip_pvt = 'The Pivot Points High Low indicator is used to determine and anticipate potential changes in market price and reversals. By analyzing price changes and reversals, a trader has more of an ability to determine and predict price patterns and general price trends\n\n' +
'This custom interpretation of Pivot Points High Low indicator; \n' +
' - beside calculating Pivot Highs/Lows based on the given length it also calculates and detects short term Pivot Highs/Lows\n' +
' - calculates price changes, traded volume etc between any two Pivot High/Low'

dispPVT = input.bool(true , 'Pivot Points High Low  ---------------------------|', group=group_indicators, tooltip=tooltip_pvt)
pvtLength =, "  Left/Right Length", minval=1, group=group_indicators)
pvtText = input.string('Small', "  Label Text Size", options=['Tiny', 'Small', 'Normal'], group=group_indicators)
pvtTextSize = pvtText == 'Small' ? size.small : pvtText == 'Normal' ? size.normal : size.tiny
pvtPrice = input(true, "Price", inline = 'Levels', group=group_indicators)
pvtChange = input(false, "Price Change", inline = 'Levels', group=group_indicators)
pvtVolume = input(false, "Cumulative Volume", inline = 'Levels', group=group_indicators)

ttip_ma = 'A Moving Average is a good way to gauge momentum as well as to confirm trends, and define areas of support and resistance.'

maDisplay = input.bool(false , 'Moving Average  ----------------------------------|', group=group_indicators, tooltip=ttip_ma)
maType = input.string('EMA', '', options=['SMA', 'EMA', 'WMA', 'HMA'], inline = 'MA', group = group_indicators)
maSource = input.source(close, "", inline = 'MA', group = group_indicators)
maLength =, "", minval = 1, inline = 'MA', group = group_indicators)
maColor = input.color(, '', inline = 'MA', group = group_indicators)
maType2 = input.string('EMA', '', options=['SMA', 'EMA', 'WMA', 'HMA'], inline = 'MA2', group = group_indicators)
maSource2 = input.source(close, "", inline = 'MA2', group = group_indicators)
maLength2 =, "", minval = 1, inline = 'MA2', group = group_indicators)
maColor2 = input.color(, '', inline = 'MA2', group = group_indicators)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Variable Declarations

var a_majorCity = array.new_string()
var a_utcTimeOffset = array.new_float()
var a_utcCity = array.new_string()

var a_forexMarket = array.new_string()
var a_forexOpenH = array.new_float()
var a_forexCloseH = array.new_float()

var a_forexEvents = array.new_string()
var a_tradingVolume = array.new_float()

dayChange = timeframe.change('D')
weekChange = timeframe.change('W')
monthChange = timeframe.change('M')
forex_n_cdf = syminfo.type == 'forex' or syminfo.type == 'cfd'
tfMultiplier = timeframe.multiplier

if barstate.isfirst
// Forex Markets and UTC Zones
array.push(a_majorCity, 'NEW YORK' ), array.push(a_utcTimeOffset, -5), array.push(a_utcCity, '(UTC-05:00) NEW YORK' )
array.push(a_majorCity, 'LONDON' ), array.push(a_utcTimeOffset, 0 ), array.push(a_utcCity, '(UTC+00:00) LONDON' )
array.push(a_majorCity, 'FRANKFURT'), array.push(a_utcTimeOffset, 1 ), array.push(a_utcCity, '(UTC+01:00) FRANKFURT')
array.push(a_majorCity, 'TOKYO' ), array.push(a_utcTimeOffset, 9 ), array.push(a_utcCity, '(UTC+09:00) TOKYO' )
array.push(a_majorCity, 'SYDNEY' ), array.push(a_utcTimeOffset, 10), array.push(a_utcCity, '(UTC+10:00) SYDNEY' )

// Forex Market Open/Close Hours
array.push(a_forexMarket, '(UTC+10:00) SYDNEY' ), array.push(a_forexOpenH, 07), array.push(a_forexCloseH, 16)
array.push(a_forexMarket, '(UTC+09:00) TOKYO' ), array.push(a_forexOpenH, 09), array.push(a_forexCloseH, 18)
array.push(a_forexMarket, '(UTC+01:00) FRANKFURT'), array.push(a_forexOpenH, 08), array.push(a_forexCloseH, 16)
array.push(a_forexMarket, '(UTC+00:00) LONDON' ), array.push(a_forexOpenH, 08), array.push(a_forexCloseH, 17)
array.push(a_forexMarket, '(UTC-05:00) NEW YORK' ), array.push(a_forexOpenH, 08), array.push(a_forexCloseH, 17)

// Tyipically Traded Volume and Forex Market Events
array.push(a_tradingVolume, 1 ) , array.push(a_forexEvents, 'Lowest \n - New York, Chicago and Troronto Closed' ) //00
array.push(a_tradingVolume, 1 ) , array.push(a_forexEvents, 'Lowest' ) //01
array.push(a_tradingVolume, 1.7 ) , array.push(a_forexEvents, 'Low \n - Tokyo Open' ) //02
array.push(a_tradingVolume, 2.8 ) , array.push(a_forexEvents, 'Low and Slightly Increasing \n - Hong Kong, Shanghai and Singapore Open' ) //03
array.push(a_tradingVolume, 3 ) , array.push(a_forexEvents, 'Low' ) //04
array.push(a_tradingVolume, 2 ) , array.push(a_forexEvents, 'Low and Decreasing' ) //05
array.push(a_tradingVolume, 1.8 ) , array.push(a_forexEvents, 'Low \n - Dubai Open, Wellington Closed' ) //06
array.push(a_tradingVolume, 2.3 ) , array.push(a_forexEvents, 'Low and Increasing\n - Moscow Open' ) //07
array.push(a_tradingVolume, 3 ) , array.push(a_forexEvents, 'Low and Increasing\n - Johannesburg Open, Sydney Closed' ) //08
array.push(a_tradingVolume, 4.5 ) , array.push(a_forexEvents, 'Medium \n - Frankfurt Open' ) // 09
array.push(a_tradingVolume, 5.7 ) , array.push(a_forexEvents, 'High and Increasing \n - London, Zurich and Paris Open' ) // 10
array.push(a_tradingVolume, 6 ) , array.push(a_forexEvents, 'High \n - Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Singapore Closed' ) // 11
array.push(a_tradingVolume, 5.3 ) , array.push(a_forexEvents, 'High \n - Dubai Closed' ) // 12
array.push(a_tradingVolume, 4.8 ) , array.push(a_forexEvents, 'High \n - India closes in 30 mins' ) // 13
array.push(a_tradingVolume, 5.1 ) , array.push(a_forexEvents, 'High and Increasing \n - India Closed (30 mins ago)' ) // 14
array.push(a_tradingVolume, 6.8 ) , array.push(a_forexEvents, 'Higher \n - New York and Toronto Open' ) // 15
array.push(a_tradingVolume, 8.1 ) , array.push(a_forexEvents, 'Higher \n - Chicago Open, Frankfurt Closed' ) // 16
array.push(a_tradingVolume, 9 ) , array.push(a_forexEvents, 'Highest \n - Johannesburg Closed' ) // 17
array.push(a_tradingVolume, 7.8 ) , array.push(a_forexEvents, 'Higher and Decreasing \n - London and Moscow Closed' ) // 18
array.push(a_tradingVolume, 5.3 ) , array.push(a_forexEvents, 'Medium and Decreasing' ) // 19
array.push(a_tradingVolume, 3.1 ) , array.push(a_forexEvents, 'Low and Decreasing' ) // 20
array.push(a_tradingVolume, 2 ) , array.push(a_forexEvents, 'Low and Decreasing \n - Wellington Open' ) // 21
array.push(a_tradingVolume, 1.3 ) , array.push(a_forexEvents, 'Low and Decreasing' ) // 22
array.push(a_tradingVolume, 1 ) , array.push(a_forexEvents, 'Lowest \n - Sydney Open' ) // 23
array.push(a_tradingVolume, 1 ) // Dummy required for Trading Volume display

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Forex Market Sessions Tabular View ----------------------------------------------------------- //

f_whatIsTheTime(_utc, _dst) =>
TZ = 'Etc/UTC'
DST = _dst ? 1 : 0
utcTime = (array.get(a_utcTimeOffset, array.indexof(a_utcCity, _utc)) + DST) * 3600000 + timenow
[math.floor(utcTime / 3600000) % 24, math.floor(utcTime / 60000) % 60, math.floor(utcTime / 1000) % 60, dayofmonth(int(utcTime), TZ), month(int(utcTime), TZ), year(int(utcTime), TZ), dayofweek(int(utcTime), TZ)]

f_digitalDisplay(_utc, _marketDetails, _dst) =>

[h, m, s, D, M, Y, A] = f_whatIsTheTime(_utc, _dst)

ht = h < 10 ? '0' + str.tostring(h) : str.tostring(h)
mt = m < 10 ? '0' + str.tostring(m) : str.tostring(m)
st = s < 10 ? '0' + str.tostring(s) : str.tostring(s)
Dt = D < 10 ? '0' + str.tostring(D) : str.tostring(D)
Mt = M < 10 ? '0' + str.tostring(M) : str.tostring(M)
Yt = str.tostring(Y)
dateTime = Dt + '/' + Mt + '/' + Yt + '-' + ht + ':' + mt + ':' + st

if _marketDetails
if A != 1 and A != 7
fxO = array.get(a_forexOpenH , array.indexof(a_forexMarket, _utc))
fxC = array.get(a_forexCloseH, array.indexof(a_forexMarket, _utc))

market = if h >= fxO and h < fxC
hc = fxC - h - 1
mc = 60 - m - 1
sc = 60 - s
sct = sc < 10 ? '0' + str.tostring(sc) : str.tostring(sc)
mct = mc < 10 ? '0' + str.tostring(mc) : str.tostring(mc)
hct = hc < 10 ? '0' + str.tostring(hc) : str.tostring(hc)
closes = hct + ':' + mct + ':' + sct

if hc == 0
sc % 2 ? dateTime + ' 🟢 Closes in ' + closes : dateTime + ' 🔴 Closes in ' + closes
dateTime + ' 🟢 Closes in ' + closes
ho = if h < fxO
fxO - h - 1
24 - h + fxO - 1
mo = 60 - m - 1
so = 60 - s
sot = so < 10 ? '0' + str.tostring(so) : str.tostring(so)
mot = mo < 10 ? '0' + str.tostring(mo) : str.tostring(mo)
hot = ho < 10 ? '0' + str.tostring(ho) : str.tostring(ho)
opens = hot + ':' + mot + ':' + sot

if h >= fxC and A == 6
dateTime + ' 🟠 Weekend'
if ho == 0
so % 2 ? dateTime + ' 🔴 Opens in ' + opens : dateTime + ' 🟢 Opens in ' + opens
dateTime + ' 🔴 Opens in ' + opens
dateTime + ' 🟠 Weekend'

statPosition = switch statPos
'Top Left' => position.top_left
'Top Center' => position.top_center
'Top Right' => position.top_right
'Middle Right' => position.middle_right
'Bottom Left' => position.bottom_left
'Bottom Center' => position.bottom_center

var table clock =, 3, 5, border_width = 3)

hide = hideIfNot ? forex_n_cdf ? true : false : true

if barstate.islast and i_forex and hide
market = f_digitalDisplay('(UTC+10:00) SYDNEY', true, i_sydneySummerTime )
marketColor = str.contains(market, 'Closes') ? #26a69a : #ef5350
table.cell(clock, 0, 0, "█", text_size = textSize2, text_color = cSydney)
table.cell(clock, 1, 0, array.get(a_majorCity, array.indexof(a_utcCity, '(UTC+10:00) SYDNEY')) , text_color =, bgcolor =, 75), text_halign = text.align_left, text_size = textSize2)
table.cell(clock, 2, 0, market , text_color = marketColor , bgcolor =, 75), text_halign = text.align_left, text_size = textSize2)

market := f_digitalDisplay('(UTC+09:00) TOKYO', true , false)
marketColor := str.contains(market, 'Closes') ? #26a69a : #ef5350
table.cell(clock, 0, 1, "█", text_size = textSize2, text_color = cTokyo)
table.cell(clock, 1, 1, array.get(a_majorCity, array.indexof(a_utcCity, '(UTC+09:00) TOKYO')) , text_color =, bgcolor =, 75), text_halign = text.align_left, text_size = textSize2)
table.cell(clock, 2, 1, market , text_color = marketColor , bgcolor =, 75), text_halign = text.align_left, text_size = textSize2)

market := f_digitalDisplay('(UTC+01:00) FRANKFURT', true , i_frankfurtSummerTime)
marketColor := str.contains(market, 'Closes') ? #26a69a : #ef5350
table.cell(clock, 0, 2, "█", text_size = textSize2, text_color = cFrankfurt)
table.cell(clock, 1, 2, array.get(a_majorCity, array.indexof(a_utcCity, '(UTC+01:00) FRANKFURT')) , text_color =, bgcolor =, 75), text_halign = text.align_left, text_size = textSize2)
table.cell(clock, 2, 2, market , text_color = marketColor , bgcolor =, 75), text_halign = text.align_left, text_size = textSize2)

market := f_digitalDisplay('(UTC+00:00) LONDON' , true , i_londonSummerTime )
marketColor := str.contains(market, 'Closes') ? #26a69a : #ef5350
table.cell(clock, 0, 3, "█", text_size = textSize2, text_color = cLondon)
table.cell(clock, 1, 3, array.get(a_majorCity, array.indexof(a_utcCity, '(UTC+00:00) LONDON')) , text_color =, bgcolor =, 75), text_halign = text.align_left, text_size = textSize2)
table.cell(clock, 2, 3, market , text_color = marketColor , bgcolor =, 75), text_halign = text.align_left, text_size = textSize2)

market := f_digitalDisplay('(UTC-05:00) NEW YORK', true , i_newyorkSummerTime)
marketColor := str.contains(market, 'Closes') ? #26a69a : #ef5350
table.cell(clock, 0, 4, "█", text_size = textSize2, text_color = cNYork)
table.cell(clock, 1, 4, array.get(a_majorCity, array.indexof(a_utcCity, '(UTC-05:00) NEW YORK')) , text_color =, bgcolor =, 75), text_halign = text.align_left, text_size = textSize2)
table.cell(clock, 2, 4, market , text_color = marketColor , bgcolor =, 75), text_halign = text.align_left, text_size = textSize2)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Forex Market Events -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

var blabla = 0
var label events = na

var a_lines = array.new_line()
var a_labels = array.new_label()
var a_fill = array.new_linefill()

lookbackLength = 1440 / tfMultiplier
priceHighest = ta.highest(high, lookbackLength)
priceLowest = ta.lowest (low , lookbackLength)
priceChangeRate = (priceHighest - priceLowest) / priceHighest
priceLowest := priceLowest * (1 - priceChangeRate * oscVerticalOffset)
oscHighest = 10 //ta.highest(osc, lookbackLength)
hight = priceChangeRate / oscHight

if dayChange and tfMultiplier <= 60 and forex_n_cdf and forexEvents and timeframe.isintraday
if array.size(a_lines) > 0
for i = 1 to array.size(a_lines)

if array.size(a_labels) > 0
for i = 1 to array.size(a_labels)

if array.size(a_fill) > 0
for i = 1 to array.size(a_fill)

for barIndex = 0 to 23
array.push(a_lines, + barIndex * 60 / tfMultiplier, priceLowest * (1 - (oscHighest - array.get(a_tradingVolume, barIndex) ) * hight / oscHighest),
bar_index + (barIndex + 1) * 60 / tfMultiplier, priceLowest * (1 - (oscHighest - array.get(a_tradingVolume, barIndex + 1)) * hight / oscHighest), xloc.bar_index, extend.none, #00000000, line.style_solid, 1)) // color.from_gradient(array.get(a_tradingVolume, barIndex), 1, 6, #ef5350, #26a69a), line.style_solid, 1)) //

array.push(a_lines, + barIndex * 60 / tfMultiplier, priceLowest * (1 - hight),
bar_index + (barIndex + 1) * 60 / tfMultiplier, priceLowest * (1 - hight), xloc.bar_index, extend.none, #00000000, line.style_solid, 1))

array.push(a_fill,, 2 * barIndex), array.get(a_lines, 2 * barIndex + 1),, barIndex), 1, 6, #ef5350, #26a69a), 85) ))

array.push(a_labels, + barIndex * 60 / tfMultiplier, priceLowest * (1 - (oscHighest - array.get(a_tradingVolume, barIndex)) * hight / oscHighest), '', xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, label.style_circle, #00000000, size.tiny, text.align_left, 'At this time of day\n - Trading volume is typically ' + array.get(a_forexEvents, barIndex) ) )
array.push(a_labels, + barIndex * 60 / tfMultiplier, priceLowest * (1 - (oscHighest - array.get(a_tradingVolume, barIndex)) * hight / oscHighest), '', xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, color.from_gradient(array.get(a_tradingVolume, barIndex), 1, 6, #ef5350, #26a69a), label.style_circle, #00000000,, text.align_left, '') )//'At this time of day\n - Trading volume is typically ' + array.get(a_forexEvents, barIndex) ) )
array.push(a_labels, + 24 * 60 / tfMultiplier, priceLowest * (1 - (oscHighest - array.get(a_tradingVolume, 0)) * hight / oscHighest), '', xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, label.style_circle, #00000000, size.tiny, text.align_left, 'At this time of day\n - Trading volume is typically ' + array.get(a_forexEvents, 0) ) )
array.push(a_labels, + 24 * 60 / tfMultiplier, priceLowest * (1 - (oscHighest - array.get(a_tradingVolume, 0)) * hight / oscHighest), '', xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, color.from_gradient(array.get(a_tradingVolume, 0), 1, 6, #ef5350, #26a69a), label.style_circle, #00000000,, text.align_left, '') )//'At this time of day\n - Trading volume is typically ' + array.get(a_forexEvents, 0) ) )

blabla := 0
events :=, priceLowest * (1 - hight), '', xloc.bar_index, yloc.price,, blabla), 1, 6, #ef5350, #26a69a), 75), label.style_label_up, color.white, size.tiny, text.align_left, 'At this time of day\n - Trading volume is typically ' + array.get(a_forexEvents, blabla) )

if ta.change(priceLowest) < 0 and not dayChange and tfMultiplier <= 60 and forex_n_cdf and forexEvents and timeframe.isintraday
for barIndex = 0 to array.size(a_lines) - 1
line.set_y1(array.get(a_lines , barIndex), line.get_y1(array.get(a_lines , barIndex)) - priceLowest[1] + priceLowest)
line.set_y2(array.get(a_lines , barIndex), line.get_y2(array.get(a_lines , barIndex)) - priceLowest[1] + priceLowest)
for barIndex = 0 to array.size(a_labels) - 1
label.set_y(array.get(a_labels, barIndex), label.get_y(array.get(a_labels, barIndex)) - priceLowest[1] + priceLowest)
label.set_y(events, label.get_y(events) - priceLowest[1] + priceLowest)

if ta.change(time('60')) and not dayChange and tfMultiplier <= 60 and forex_n_cdf and forexEvents and timeframe.isintraday
blabla += 1
label.set_tooltip(events, 'At this time of day\n - Trading volume is typically ' + array.get(a_forexEvents, blabla) )
label.set_color(events, color.from_gradient(array.get(a_tradingVolume, blabla), 1, 6, #ef5350, #26a69a))
label.set_x(events, bar_index)
else if forex_n_cdf and tfMultiplier <= 60 and forexEvents and timeframe.isintraday
label.set_x(events, bar_index)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Process Forex Markets ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //

f_getSessionInfo(_utc, _dst) =>
TZ = 'Etc/UTC'
DST = _dst ? 1 : 0
utcTime = (array.get(a_utcTimeOffset, array.indexof(a_utcCity, _utc)) + DST) * 3600000 + time
h = math.floor(utcTime / 3600000) % 24
A = dayofweek(int(utcTime), TZ)

if A != 1 and A != 7
fxO = array.get(a_forexOpenH , array.indexof(a_forexMarket, _utc))
fxC = array.get(a_forexCloseH, array.indexof(a_forexMarket, _utc))

if h >= fxO and h < fxC

f_calculateOpeningRange(_numberOfDataRequired) =>
var orH = 0., var orL = 0.
[aH, aL] = request.security_lower_tf(syminfo.tickerid, '1', [high, low])
//f_drawLabelX(bar_index, high, str.tostring(aH, format.mintick), xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, color.gray, label.style_label_down, color.white, size.normal, text.align_left, str.tostring(array.size(aH)))
//f_drawLabelX(bar_index, low , str.tostring(aL, format.mintick), xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, color.gray, label.style_label_up , color.white, size.normal, text.align_left, str.tostring(low , format.mintick))

if array.size(aH) > 0
if _numberOfDataRequired >= tfMultiplier
orH := array.max(aH)
orL := array.min(aL)

else if _numberOfDataRequired < tfMultiplier
if array.size(aH) >= _numberOfDataRequired
orH := array.get(aH, 0)
orL := array.get(aL, 0)

for c = 1 to _numberOfDataRequired - 1
orH := math.max(array.get(aH, c), orH)
orL := math.min(array.get(aL, c), orL)
orH := array.max(aH)
orL := array.min(aL)
[orH, orL]

f_processForex(_show, _utc, _dst, _color, _bg) =>
if _show != 'None'
var pro = 0., var prh = 0., var prl = 0.
var sessionStartBar = 0
var line lnh = na, var line lnl = na
var count = 0

session = f_getSessionInfo(_utc, _dst)

if session and session != session[1]
sessionStartBar := bar_index
sessionEndbar = sessionStartBar + int( ( array.get(a_forexCloseH, array.indexof(a_utcCity, _utc)) - array.get(a_forexOpenH, array.indexof(a_utcCity, _utc)) ) * 60 ) / tfMultiplier

if _show == 'Open'
pro := open, pro, sessionEndbar, pro, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, _color, line.style_solid, 2)

if _show == 'Range'
prh := high
prl := low
lnh :=, prh , sessionEndbar, prh , xloc.bar_index, extend.none, _color, line.style_solid, 1)
lnl :=, prl , sessionEndbar, prl , xloc.bar_index, extend.none, _color, line.style_solid, 1)

if _show == '5m Opening Range'
[prh5, prl5] = f_calculateOpeningRange(5)
lnh :=, prh5, sessionEndbar, prh5, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, _color, line.style_solid, 1)
lnl :=, prl5, sessionEndbar, prl5, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, _color, line.style_solid, 1)

if _show == '15m Opening Range'
[prh5, prl5] = f_calculateOpeningRange(15)
lnh :=, prh5, sessionEndbar, prh5, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, _color, line.style_solid, 1)
lnl :=, prl5, sessionEndbar, prl5, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, _color, line.style_solid, 1)

if _bg, lnl,, 89))

if _show == 'Channel'
[prh60, prl60] = f_calculateOpeningRange(60)
lnh :=, prh60, sessionStartBar + (_utc == '(UTC+01:00) FRANKFURT' ? 900 : 1320) / tfMultiplier, prh60, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, _color, line.style_solid, 1)
lnl :=, prl60, sessionStartBar + (_utc == '(UTC+01:00) FRANKFURT' ? 900 : 1320) / tfMultiplier, prl60, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, _color, line.style_solid, 1), lnl,, 89))

if (count == 5 / tfMultiplier and _show == '5m Opening Range') or (count == 15 / tfMultiplier and _show == '15m Opening Range') or (count == 60 / tfMultiplier and _show == 'Channel')
count := 0

if session
if _show == 'Range'
line.set_y1(lnh, math.max(high, line.get_y1(lnh))), line.set_y2(lnh, math.max(high, line.get_y2(lnh)))
line.set_y1(lnl, math.min(low , line.get_y1(lnl))), line.set_y2(lnl, math.min(low , line.get_y2(lnl)))

if (_show == '5m Opening Range' and count < 5 / tfMultiplier and tfMultiplier < 5) or (_show == '15m Opening Range' and count < 15 / tfMultiplier and tfMultiplier < 15) or (_show == 'Channel' and count < 60 / tfMultiplier and tfMultiplier < 60)
line.set_y1(lnh, math.max(high, line.get_y1(lnh))), line.set_y2(lnh, math.max(high, line.get_y2(lnh)))
line.set_y1(lnl, math.min(low , line.get_y1(lnl))), line.set_y2(lnl, math.min(low , line.get_y2(lnl)))
count += 1

if timeframe.isintraday and forex_n_cdf
f_processForex(openingChannel != 'None' ? 'Channel' : 'None', openingChannel == 'European Session' ? '(UTC+01:00) FRANKFURT' : '(UTC+09:00) TOKYO', openingChannel == 'European Session' ? i_frankfurtSummerTime : false, cChannel, true)
f_processForex(openingChannel == 'Both' ? 'Channel' : 'None', '(UTC+01:00) FRANKFURT', i_frankfurtSummerTime, cChannel, true)

f_processForex(shSydney , '(UTC+10:00) SYDNEY' , i_sydneySummerTime , cSydney , bgSydney )
f_processForex(shTokyo , '(UTC+09:00) TOKYO' , false , cTokyo , bgTokyo )
f_processForex(shFrankfurt, '(UTC+01:00) FRANKFURT', i_frankfurtSummerTime, cFrankfurt, bgFrankfurt)
f_processForex(shLondon , '(UTC+00:00) LONDON' , i_londonSummerTime , cLondon , bgLondon )
f_processForex(shNYork , '(UTC-05:00) NEW YORK' , i_newyorkSummerTime , cNYork , bgNYork )

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Day Open

var dayHistoryBar = 0
var dayStartBar = 0
var line lnhd = na, var line lnld = na
var label lbhd = na, var label lbld = na
var countd = 0

atrRange = f_getATR(dayATRLength, 'D')
[H1, L1] = f_calculatePreviousRange('D')

if dayChange and (dayOpen != 'None' or dayRefLevels != 'None') and timeframe.isintraday
dayHistoryBar := nz(dayStartBar) ? dayStartBar : bar_index
dayStartBar := bar_index
dayEndBar = 2 * dayStartBar - dayHistoryBar
O0 = open

if dayOpen == 'Open'
f_drawOnlyLineX(bar_index, O0, dayEndBar, open, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, dayColor, line.style_solid, 1)
f_drawLabelX(dayEndBar, O0, 'DO - ' + str.tostring(O0, format.mintick), xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, label.style_label_left, dayColor, size.normal, text.align_left, '')
//f_drawOnlyLineX(bar_index, open, dayEndBar, open, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, color.aqua, line.style_solid, 1)
//f_drawLabelX(dayEndBar, open, 'DO - ' + str.tostring(open, format.mintick), xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, label.style_label_left, color.aqua, size.normal, text.align_left, '')

if dayOpen == '15m Opening Range'
[prh, prl] = f_calculateOpeningRange(15)
lnhd :=, prh, dayEndBar, prh, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, dayColor, line.style_solid, 1)
lnld :=, prl, dayEndBar, prl, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, dayColor, line.style_solid, 1), lnld,, 89))

if dayOpen == '5m Opening Range'
[prh, prl] = f_calculateOpeningRange(5)
lnhd :=, prh, dayEndBar, prh, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, dayColor, line.style_solid, 1)
lnld :=, prl, dayEndBar, prl, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, dayColor, line.style_solid, 1), lnld,, 89))

if dayOpen == 'First Hour Opening Range'
[prh, prl] = f_calculateOpeningRange(60)
lnhd :=, prh, dayEndBar, prh, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, dayColor, line.style_solid, 1)
lnld :=, prl, dayEndBar, prl, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, dayColor, line.style_solid, 1)
//label.delete(lbhd[1]), label.delete(lbld[1])
//lbhd :=, prh60, 'DORH - ' + str.tostring(open, format.mintick), xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, label.style_label_left, color.aqua, size.normal, text.align_left, '')
//lbld :=, prl60, 'DORL - ' + str.tostring(open, format.mintick), xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, label.style_label_left, color.aqua, size.normal, text.align_left, ''), lnld,, 89))

if (countd == 60 / tfMultiplier and dayOpen == 'First Hour Opening Range') or (countd == 15 / tfMultiplier and dayOpen == '15m Opening Range') or (countd == 5 / tfMultiplier and dayOpen == '5m Opening Range')
countd := 0

if dayRefLevels != 'None'
litStat = '\n\nAverage True Range = ' + str.tostring(atrRange, format.mintick) +
'\nPrevious Day Range = ' + str.tostring(H1 - L1 , format.mintick) +
'\n -Previous Day High = ' + str.tostring(H1, format.mintick) +
'\n -Previous Day Low = ' + str.tostring(L1, format.mintick)

rangee = dayRefLevels == 'Average True Range (ATR)' ? atrRange : H1 - L1

f_drawLineX (dayStartBar, O0 + rangee * dayRefLevel1, dayEndBar, O0 + rangee * dayRefLevel1, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, dayRefColor, line.style_dotted, 2)
f_drawLabelX(dayEndBar , O0 + rangee * dayRefLevel1, 'R1 - ' + str.tostring(O0 + rangee * dayRefLevel1, format.mintick), xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, label.style_label_left, dayRefColor, size.normal, text.align_left, 'First Reference Level : ' + str.tostring(O0 + rangee * dayRefLevel1, format.mintick) + litStat)

f_drawLineX (dayStartBar, O0 - rangee * dayRefLevel1, dayEndBar, O0 - rangee * dayRefLevel1, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, dayRefColor, line.style_dotted, 2)
f_drawLabelX(dayEndBar , O0 - rangee * dayRefLevel1, 'S1 - ' + str.tostring(O0 - rangee * dayRefLevel1, format.mintick), xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, label.style_label_left, dayRefColor, size.normal, text.align_left, 'First Reference Level : ' + str.tostring(O0 - rangee * dayRefLevel1, format.mintick) + litStat)

if dayRefLevel2 > dayRefLevel1
f_drawLineX (dayStartBar, O0 + rangee * dayRefLevel2, dayEndBar, O0 + rangee * dayRefLevel2, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, dayRefColor, line.style_dotted, 2)
f_drawLabelX(dayEndBar , O0 + rangee * dayRefLevel2, 'R2 - ' + str.tostring(O0 + rangee * dayRefLevel2, format.mintick), xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, label.style_label_left, dayRefColor, size.normal, text.align_left, 'Second Reference Level : ' + str.tostring(O0 + rangee * dayRefLevel2, format.mintick) + litStat)

f_drawLineX (dayStartBar, O0 - rangee * dayRefLevel2, dayEndBar, O0 - rangee * dayRefLevel2, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, dayRefColor, line.style_dotted, 2)
f_drawLabelX(dayEndBar , O0 - rangee * dayRefLevel2, 'S2 - ' + str.tostring(O0 - rangee * dayRefLevel2, format.mintick), xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, label.style_label_left, dayRefColor, size.normal, text.align_left, 'Second Reference Level : ' + str.tostring(O0 - rangee * dayRefLevel2, format.mintick) + litStat)

if not dayChange and timeframe.isintraday and (dayOpen == 'First Hour Opening Range' and countd < 60 / tfMultiplier and tfMultiplier < 60) or (dayOpen == '15m Opening Range' and countd < 15 / tfMultiplier and tfMultiplier < 15) or (dayOpen == '5m Opening Range' and countd < 5 / tfMultiplier and tfMultiplier < 5)
line.set_y1(lnhd, math.max(high, line.get_y1(lnhd))), line.set_y2(lnhd, math.max(high, line.get_y2(lnhd)))
line.set_y1(lnld, math.min(low , line.get_y1(lnld))), line.set_y2(lnld, math.min(low , line.get_y2(lnld)))
label.set_y(lbhd, math.max(high, line.get_y1(lnhd))), label.set_y(lbld, math.min(low , line.get_y2(lnld)))
countd += 1

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Week - Month Open

var line lnow = na, var label lbow = na

if weekOpen
if weekChange
line.delete(lnow[1]), label.delete(lbow[1])
lnow :=, open, last_bar_index + 3, open, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, weekColor, line.style_solid, 1)
lbow := + 3, open, 'WO - ' + str.tostring(open, format.mintick), xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, label.style_label_left, weekColor, size.normal, text.align_left, '')
line.set_x2(lnow, last_bar_index + 3), label.set_x(lbow, last_bar_index + 3)

var line lnom = na, var label lbom = na

if monthOpen
if monthChange
line.delete(lnom[1]), label.delete(lbom[1])
lnom :=, open, last_bar_index + 3, open, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, monthColor, line.style_solid, 1)
lbom := + 3, open, 'MO - ' + str.tostring(open, format.mintick), xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, label.style_label_left, monthColor, size.normal, text.align_left, '')
line.set_x2(lnom, last_bar_index + 3), label.set_x(lbom, last_bar_index + 3)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// VWAP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

autoAnchor = timeframe.change(vwapAnchor)
interAnchor = startDate == time
anchor = htf_tf == 'Interactive' ? interAnchor : autoAnchor
[vwap, upper, lower] = ta.vwap(vwapSource, anchor, stdevMult1)

plot(isVwap ? vwap : na, 'VWAP Line', anchor ? na : #0496ff)
pu1 = plot(isVwap and vwapBand1 ? upper : na, 'VWAP Bands Upper #1', anchor ? na : #4caf50)
pl1 = plot(isVwap and vwapBand1 ? lower : na, 'VWAP Bands Lower #1', anchor ? na : #4caf50)
fill(pu1, pl1, title="VWAP Bands Fill #1", color= isVwap and vwapBand1 ?, 95) : na)

pu2 = plot(isVwap and vwapBand2 ? vwap + (upper - vwap)/stdevMult1 * stdevMult2 : na, 'VWAP Bands Upper #2', anchor ? na : #808000)
pl2 = plot(isVwap and vwapBand2 ? vwap - (vwap - lower)/stdevMult1 * stdevMult2 : na, 'VWAP Bands Lower #2', anchor ? na : #808000)
fill(pu2, pl2, title="VWAP Bands Fill #2", color= isVwap and vwapBand2 ?, 95) : na)

//plot(isVwap and vwapBand3 ? vwap + (upper - vwap)/stdevMult1 * stdevMult3 : na, '', anchor ? na : #00897b)
//plot(isVwap and vwapBand3 ? vwap - (vwap - lower)/stdevMult1 * stdevMult3 : na, '', anchor ? na : #00897b)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Pivot Points High Low ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //

nzVolume = nz(volume)
pvtHigh = ta.pivothigh(pvtLength, pvtLength)
pvtLow = ta.pivotlow (pvtLength, pvtLength)
proceed = not na(pvtHigh) or not na(pvtLow)

pvtLengthTemp = 3
pvtHighTemp = ta.pivothigh(pvtLengthTemp, pvtLengthTemp)
pvtLowTemp = ta.pivotlow (pvtLengthTemp, pvtLengthTemp)
proceedTemp = not na(pvtHighTemp) or not na(pvtLowTemp)

var x1 = 0
var x2 = 0
var x2Temp = 0

var pvtHigh1 = 0.
var pvtLow1 = 0.
var pvtHigh1Temp = 0.
var pvtLow1Temp = 0.

//var pvtLast = ''

if proceed
x1 := x2
x2 := bar_index

if proceedTemp
x2Temp := bar_index

profileLength = x2 - x1
profileLengthTemp = x2Temp - pvtLengthTemp - x2 + pvtLength

var label tempHigh = na
var label tempLow = na

if dispPVT
if not na(pvtHigh)
tradedVolume = f_getTradedVolume(profileLength, proceed, pvtLength)
f_drawOnlyLabelX(bar_index[pvtLength], pvtHigh, (pvtPrice ? str.tostring(pvtHigh, format.mintick) : '') + (pvtChange ? (pvtPrice ? ' ↑ %' : '↑ %') + str.tostring((pvtHigh - pvtLow1) * 100 / pvtLow1 , '#.##') : '') + (pvtVolume and nzVolume ? (pvtPrice or pvtChange ? '\n' : '') + str.tostring(tradedVolume, format.volume) : ''), xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, chart.fg_color, label.style_label_down, chart.bg_color, (not pvtPrice and not pvtChange and not pvtVolume ? size.tiny : pvtTextSize), text.align_center, 'Pivot High : ' + str.tostring(pvtHigh, format.mintick) + '\n -Price Change : ↑ %' + str.tostring((pvtHigh - pvtLow1) * 100 / pvtLow1 , '#.##') + (nzVolume ? '\n -Traded Volume : ' + str.tostring(tradedVolume, format.volume) + ' (' + str.tostring(profileLength - 1) + ' bars)\n *Average Volume/Bar : ' + str.tostring(tradedVolume / (profileLength - 1), format.volume) : '') + '\n\nNumber of bars : ' + str.tostring(profileLength) )
pvtHigh1 := pvtHigh
//pvtLast := 'H'
if x2 - pvtLength > x2Temp - pvtLengthTemp

if not na(pvtLow)
tradedVolume = f_getTradedVolume(profileLength, proceed, pvtLength)
f_drawOnlyLabelX(bar_index[pvtLength], pvtLow , (pvtPrice ? str.tostring(pvtLow , format.mintick) : '') + (pvtChange ? (pvtPrice ? ' ↓ %' : '↓ %') + str.tostring((pvtHigh1 - pvtLow) * 100 / pvtHigh1, '#.##') : '') + (pvtVolume and nzVolume ? (pvtPrice or pvtChange ? '\n' : '') + str.tostring(tradedVolume, format.volume) : ''), xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, chart.fg_color, label.style_label_up , chart.bg_color, (not pvtPrice and not pvtChange and not pvtVolume ? size.tiny : pvtTextSize), text.align_center, 'Pivot Low : ' + str.tostring(pvtLow , format.mintick) + '\n -Price Change : ↓ %' + str.tostring((pvtHigh1 - pvtLow) * 100 / pvtHigh1, '#.##') + (nzVolume ? '\n -Traded Volume : ' + str.tostring(tradedVolume, format.volume) + ' (' + str.tostring(profileLength - 1) + ' bars)\n *Average Volume/Bar : ' + str.tostring(tradedVolume / (profileLength - 1), format.volume) : '') + '\n\nNumber of bars : ' + str.tostring(profileLength) )
pvtLow1 := pvtLow
//pvtLast := 'L'
if x2 - pvtLength > x2Temp - pvtLengthTemp// ???

if not na(pvtHighTemp) //and pvtLast == 'L'
if pvtHighTemp > pvtHigh1Temp// or pvtHighTemp > pvtHigh1
tradedVolume = f_getTradedVolume(profileLengthTemp, proceedTemp, pvtLengthTemp)
tempHigh :=[pvtLengthTemp], pvtHighTemp, '* ' + (pvtPrice ? str.tostring(pvtHighTemp, format.mintick) : '') + (pvtChange ? (pvtPrice ? ' ↑ %' : '↑ %') + str.tostring((pvtHighTemp - pvtLow1) * 100 / pvtLow1 , '#.##') : '') + (pvtVolume and nzVolume ? (pvtPrice or pvtChange ? '\n' : '') + str.tostring(tradedVolume, format.volume) : ''), xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #284aa9, label.style_label_down, color.white, (not pvtPrice and not pvtChange and not pvtVolume ? size.tiny : pvtTextSize), text.align_center, 'Temporary Pivot High : ' + str.tostring(pvtHighTemp, format.mintick) + '\n -Price Change : ↑ %' + str.tostring((pvtHighTemp - pvtLow1) * 100 / pvtLow1 , '#.##') + (nzVolume ? '\n -Traded Volume : ' + str.tostring(tradedVolume, format.volume) + ' (' + str.tostring(profileLengthTemp - 1) + ' bars)\n *Average Volume/Bar : ' + str.tostring(tradedVolume / (profileLengthTemp - 1), format.volume) : '') + '\n\nNumber of bars\n since last confirmed Pivot High/Low : ' + str.tostring(profileLengthTemp) + '\n\nWarning : subject to repaint, not a confirmed Pivot Level or Signal' )
pvtHigh1Temp := pvtHighTemp

if high > pvtHigh1Temp

if not na(pvtLowTemp) //and pvtLast == 'H'
if pvtLowTemp < pvtLow1Temp// or pvtLowTemp < pvtLow1
tradedVolume = f_getTradedVolume(profileLengthTemp, proceedTemp, pvtLengthTemp)
tempLow :=[pvtLengthTemp], pvtLowTemp, '* ' + (pvtPrice ? str.tostring(pvtLowTemp, format.mintick) : '') + (pvtChange ? (pvtPrice ? ' ↓ %' : '↓ %') + str.tostring((pvtHigh1 - pvtLowTemp) * 100 / pvtLowTemp , '#.##') : '') + (pvtVolume and nzVolume ? (pvtPrice or pvtChange ? '\n' : '') + str.tostring(tradedVolume, format.volume) : ''), xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #284aa9, label.style_label_up, color.white, (not pvtPrice and not pvtChange and not pvtVolume ? size.tiny : pvtTextSize), text.align_center, 'Temporary Pivot Low : ' + str.tostring(pvtLowTemp, format.mintick) + '\n -Price Change : ↓ %' + str.tostring((pvtHigh1 - pvtLowTemp) * 100 / pvtHigh1 , '#.##') + (nzVolume ? '\n -Traded Volume : ' + str.tostring(tradedVolume, format.volume) + ' (' + str.tostring(profileLengthTemp - 1) + ' bars)\n *Average Volume/Bar : ' + str.tostring(tradedVolume / (profileLengthTemp - 1), format.volume) : '') + '\n\nNumber of bars\n since last confirmed Pivot High/Low : ' + str.tostring(profileLengthTemp) + '\n\nWarning : subject to repaint, not a confirmed Pivot Level or Signal')
pvtLow1Temp := pvtLowTemp

if low < pvtLow1Temp

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Moving Average ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

plot(maDisplay ? f_getMA(maSource, maLength, maType) : na, 'Moving Average #1', maColor)
plot(maDisplay ? f_getMA(maSource2, maLength2, maType2) : na, 'Moving Average #2', maColor2, 2)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

var table logo =, 1, 1)
if barstate.islast
table.cell(logo, 0, 0, '☼☾ ', text_size=size.normal, text_color=color.teal)
Candlestick analysisChart patternsCyclestrading

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