What are the symbols with the prefix CRYPTO?

Symbols with the prefix CRYPTO (cryptoassets) show the average price of a cryptocurrency. These symbols are calculated on the TradingView side. 

Where can I find all symbols with the prefix CRYPTO?

To see cryptoassets charts, type CRYPTO: in the Symbol Search. You can also find the complete list of cryptoassets in the Crypto Coins Screener.

How are the cryptoassets calculated?

Cryptoassets are calculated in real-time on the TradingView side. We use only crypto spots from exchanges represented on the TradingView platform for calculation. The main formula is an arithmetic average. Symbols with prices different from other sources are excluded from the calculation. Delays in real-time are minimal.

Why has a cryptoasset stopped updating?

If all the stock tickers on which the cryptocurrency is built have stopped updating, then the algorithm cannot calculate updates in the current time and the cryptocurrency stops updating too, such assets are marked with the delisted label. If streaming returns for at least one component, it will return for the cryptocurrency as well.