EUR/JPY, AUD/JPY, EUR/AUD and USD/CHF on watch for me today.

By StewySongs

• If price pushes up to and ideally just above our upper trend line and the last part of the move is corrective, then I'll be looking to get short with a risk entry after a phase line break on either the fifteen minute or the one hour chart.

• If price pushes up to and ideally just above our upper trend line and it does so impulsively, then I'll be waiting for a convincing impulse back down followed by a tight flag and then I'll be looking to get short with a reduced risk entry on the break of the flag.

• If price only pushes up to and ideally just above our rayline, then regardless of how it does so I'll be waiting for a convincing impulse back down followed by a tight flag and then I'll again be looking to get short with a reduced risk entry on the break of the flag.

• If none of these setups present themselves then I will simply wait until another setup which meets my plan materialises.

• If there's any ambiguity then I will not place any of these trades.


• If price pushes up to and ideally just above our upper trend line and the last part of the move is corrective, then I'll be looking to get short with a risk entry after a phase line break on either the fifteen minute or the one hour chart.

• If price pushes up to and ideally just above our upper trend line and it does so impulsively, then I'll be waiting for a convincing impulse back down followed by a tight flag and then I'll be looking to get short with a reduced risk entry on the break of the flag.

• If price only pushes up to and ideally just above our rayline, then regardless of how it does so I'll be waiting for a convincing impulse back down followed by a tight flag and then I'll again be looking to get short with a reduced risk entry on the break of the flag.

• If none of these setups present themselves then I will simply wait until another setup which meets my plan materialises.

• If there's any ambiguity then I will not place any of these trades.


• If price pushes down to and ideally just below our lower trend line and the last part of the move is corrective, then I'll be looking to get long with a risk entry after a phase line break on either the fifteen minute or the one hour chart.

• If price pushes down to and ideally just below our lower trend line and it does so impulsively, then I'll be waiting for a convincing impulse back up followed by a tight flag and then I'll be looking to get long with a reduced risk entry on the break of the flag.

• If price only pushes down to and ideally just below our rayline, then regardless of how it does so I'll be waiting for a convincing impulse back up followed by a tight flag and then I'll again be looking to get long with a reduced risk entry on the break of the flag.

• If none of these setups present themselves then I will simply wait until another setup which meets my plan materialises.

• If there's any ambiguity then I will not place any of these trades.


• If price pushes up to and ideally just above our upper rayline, then regardless of how it does so I'll be waiting for a convincing impulse back down flag and then I'll be looking to get short with a reduced risk entry on the break of the flag.

• If price simply impulses back down below our lower rayline and a subsequent tight flag forms, then I'll once again be looking to get short with a reduced risk entry on the break of the flag.

• If price simply impulses back down below our most recent corrective channel and it starts to correct but it doesn't correct below our lower rayline, then I'll be waiting for this correction to turn into a one hour flag and then I'll once again be looking to get short with a reduced risk entry on the break of the flag.

• If none of these setups present themselves then I will simply wait until another setup which meets my plan materialises.

• If there's any ambiguity then I will not place any of these trades.
“If you can learn to create a state of mind that is not affected by the market’s behaviour, the struggle will cease to exist.” - Mark"Douglas
“Why do you think unsuccessful traders are obsessed with market analysis? They crave the sense of certainty that analysis appears to give them. Although few would admit it, the truth is that the typical trader wants to be right on every single trade. He is desperately trying to create certainty where it just doesn’t exist.” - Mark Douglas
"Always remain a student. If you forget that, the market will humble you." - FalconFX
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