TASC 2022.02 Ehlers' Elegant Oscillator


TASC's February 2022 edition of Traders' Tips includes the "Inverse ​Fisher Transform Redux — An Elegant Oscillator" article authored by John ​Ehlers. This is the code implementing the "Elegant Oscillator" from the article.


By applying the inverse Fisher transform to a waveform with a nominal Gaussian probability distribution using root mean square (RMS) scaling and smoothing the result, John ​Ehlers creates an oscillator that swings between -1 and 1.


The calculation process uses the following steps:
 • Compute the 2-bar difference of closing prices.
 • Calculate the root mean square (​RMS) of the differences.
 • Scale the differences using the computed ​RMS.
 • Apply the inverse Fisher transform to the scaled values.
 • Smooth the transformed data with the SuperSmoother filter.

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