
TESLA (TSLA) to trade at 1,426 $

By samurai110
Big bullish call on Tesla. OVS squeeze pattern on the 4HR timeframe giving us a projected price of 1,426 $ for Tesla before the end of July. Our entery was at 816.35 $ with a SL at 798.60 $
First projected target is around 894 $ and we expect the market to 'stall' and take a little break there before moving on the the second projected key level at around 995 $ before we expect a little further 'rest' and a pullback before heading on to our full target price of 1,426 $ for a R/R ratio of 33.8/1.

This comes quite a bit later then when we entered a trade, but better late then never.
If you have questions on what the OVS is and how it is traded feel free to post your questions.

Remember; Trade smart & Trade safe

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