Indonesiska aktier comprising the detaljhandel sector

See what industries make up the detaljhandel sector. We gathered them in one list and equipped with basic stats to help you find industries with the most stocks within or those with the best performance — all to discover a better starting point for your research.
Div yield % (indicated)
Förändring %
Livsmedelsbutiker133.622 T IDR1.01%+0.04%12.451 M4
Specialbutiker83.28 T IDR0.17%+0.06%18.551 M7
Varuhus30.475 T IDR3.02%−0.20%15.035 M6
Hemförbättringskedjor16.398 T IDR3.66%+0.44%7.528 M2
Internet detaljhandel12.476 T IDR−2.48%301.484 M1
Apotekskedjor3.647 T IDR+0.97%8592
Butiker för elektronik / vitvaror2.369 T IDR2.32%+2.00%3.737 M4
Kläder / skodon detaljhandel67.968 B IDR0.00%15.725 M2