Elektronisk teknik

Mexikanska aktier comprising the elektronisk teknik sector

See what industries make up the elektronisk teknik sector. We gathered them in one list and equipped with basic stats to help you find industries with the most stocks within or those with the best performance — all to discover a better starting point for your research.
Div yield % (indicated)
Förändring %
Halvledartillverkare179.997 T MXN0.67%+1.77%96050
Telekommunikationsutrustning114.043 T MXN0.66%+4.64%17.63 K12
Rymd & försvar29.687 T MXN1.54%+1.28%1.998 K24
Datorbehandling hårdvara9.812 T MXN1.22%−0.28%8310
Elektronisk utrustning / instrument6.858 T MXN0.81%+6.38%6610
Datortillbehör4.542 T MXN0.29%−1.01%1037
Elektroniska komponenter1.982 T MXN1.31%+3.87%2.494 K3
Elektronisk produktionsutrustning1.076 T MXN0.35%+3.98%1 K7